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Neg. # (Start)Neg. # (Stop)DescriptionRestrictionsDescription NotesWork Order #RequesterDepartmentPhotogDateAmountFilm TypeFilm SizePhoto/ReproAdditional Info
76-694448Progress- Mating of Appollo & Soyuz - Contruc. PRDG.2300LopezNASMRBF21 - 26 May5 RLSBW35 mmP28 May
76-6949[Couoquium]in Library of Congress2695PlattWWCAFH25 May1 RLBW35 mmP28 May
76- 694448Hughes H-1, Designed & Flown by the Late Howard Hughes5537MurphyNASMRBF26 May1BW4x5P
76-695152Civil War Vintage Rocket2768WinterAstro\NASMRBF26 May2BW4x5P
76-6953Pict. of Damaged ceiling anon2908HughesAnonRKH27 May1BW35 mmP
76-695457From Battle of Little Big Horn Vertebrae of Man pierced w\ Indian arrow2620ForsynthOppsJW18 May4CT4x5PJune
76-6958Contr. Progress - West Ct. Cafe Lower L., Rotunda L.2516TownsendOD-MNHJW28 May1 RLBW35 mmPJune
76-695973Ceramic Pieces2791MillerCER & GlassAFH20 May15CS35 mmP
76-6974Aircraft2926BoyneNASM1BW4x5 JacketP
35 mm
76-6975Antietam Model2921HoffmanNavalhis1BW35 mmP
76-697677R.H. Goddard, March 1926 Rocket Launch(restricted)CS35 mm
76-697677R.H. Goddard, March 1926 Rocket Launch2622WinterAstro/ NASMDEH17 May2BWS35mmC
76-697880XF5F-1 Aircraft6-0682WilsonIndianaDEH27 May3BW4x5C
2537EdwardsNASM [Lib]
76-698182Painting of Virgin Mary, Portrait of Cocumbus2930BediniODD-MHTJW1 June2BW4x5P2 June
76-6983Basic Guard Skills Training class Grad. Cere. 5\28\762924ChambersProt. OpsRBF21 May1BW4x5P2 June
76-6984Basic Guard Skills Training Class Grad. Cere. 4\30\762341ChambersProt. OpsRBF14 May1BW4x5P
76-698586Wedding gifts to Sec. of State2784SpragginsOSEJW27 May2 RlsBW35 mmP
76-698789Exn. in vertical flight hall [NASM]2300LopezNASMRBF15 May1 RlCN35 mmP
76-6990WWC CTR. Dialogue on Med. Care. Tea in Regents Rm. Seminar in Lib.2698PlattWWCDEH1 June1 RLBW35 mmC3 June
76-699196Visit by the King of Spain - "Columbus & His time"2936BetholdPub. AFFDEH3 June3 RL.BW35 mm3 June
RKH3 June3 RL.BW35 mmP3 June
76-69977004Custard's Item - Battle of Little Big HornForsythOPPSG.M.May8BW4x5C
76-69977004Custar's Items - Battle of Little Big HornForsythOPPSG.M.May8CT4x5C
76-70056Ribbon Cutting ceremony of NW Corner of NHB [New NHB Cafeteria]2984LindemanPub. AFFRKH4 June2 RlsBW35 mmP4 June
76-700710NASM - Special Torch Layout Pictures5537MurphyNASMRBF28 May4 RlsBW35 mmP4 June
2858LindemanPub. AFF1 June
76-7011Dr. Wilcomb Washburn and Paul Thibibeauz [1964-1966]3033CoffeePOL. His.1CT8x10P
76-701215Aircraft: De Havilland DH-80 Puss moth6-0745LopshireDelawareDT18 May4BW4x5C7 June
2455EdwardsNASM Lib
76-701617Aircraft: Fleet model two biplane6-0747FaladaIllinoisDT18 May2BW4x5C7 June
2457EdwardsNASM Lib
76-701825Vertical flight gallery - NASM3053Mikesh8BW2x3P
76-7026Wooten Desks- Wooten Desk Co.2672Roth, Rodris KennedyOppsRBF3 June1BW4x5P
76-7027Worker Participation - Record Shots - NASM2300LopezNASMRBF2 June1 RLBW120 mmP