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a rocking chair and tooth brush at his request. Mrs Cain gave me a pretty rose bowl. Miss Till Dwight a pretty little booklet. Xmas evening I got a pretty belt buckle [[insertion]] Mrs. Bean [[/insertion]] and a lovely gold bracelet in the mail. I think the bracelet was from "Herr Pfahl" Lotta sent me a pretty silver double heart brooch.
About the tenth of November, Mrs. Cains mother ^[[insertion]] Mrs. Dwight [[/insertion]] died. She lived with two daughters, Annie and Till, very near here, Annie has been blind for about 18 or 20 years. She cant see a thing. Miss Annie is about fourty and Miss Till about thirty. When Mrs. D. died I was the only ^[[insertion]] white [[/insertion]] one there except the family. I and some darky women dressed the corpse. It was my first experience in that work. Miss Till makes her house here now. And I suppose Miss Annie will after Mr. Scott Dwight moves away.
I am enjoying my holidays very much. I am learning "tatting" under Mrs. Cain. I made my self a pr of leggings this P.M.
I have been taking Correspondence work in "Survey of English Literature" at the W.V.U. I have sent out only one lesson. I like it. 
Next year I hope not to neglect my journal so. The old year is gone with the 19th century.
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[[underlined]] 1900 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Ramsey, S.C. [[/underlined]]
This the sixth day of January. I begin my journal. I hope to write in it every Saturday of this year.
I have resolved to make this the very best year of my life.
Monday, New Years day was spent at Mr. Cains. I was tatting almost all day. Sunday night it snowed. It lay two inches on the ground on New Years day. It was ^[[insertion]] 20 or [[/insertion]] 22[[degree symbol]] above 0. It remained that way for two or three days. It has become very much warmer. I think it will rain. Some snow was on the ground yesterday. It Sun. so cold I only had four scholars Tuesday and five the remainder of the week. Today I gave Lois an Elocution lesson. My first as an Elocution teacher. Just think a school teacher, music teacher, Elocution teacher - "Jack of all trades and master of none." My music students Ida and Lois are getting along very nicely, especially Ida. Mrs. Cains cook "Sarah" is going to marry one of the farm servants "Tom". Toms second wife died the first of November. I received a letter from home tonight, also one from Mary Jones. I must sew buttons on my shoes and retire.