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in the train with me, so I got to give him a nice kiss when those other people could not see. I took a good cry after the train started.
I stopped in Grafton and spent the night with cousin Charles [[Langelle?]]. Oh he has the sweetest children. I do love children. Several young ladies were there that evening. I started again on the five twelve express for Baltimore. High snow had fallen during the night and when day light came I was almost over the mountain. The scenery among the mountains was beautiful. The snow added so much to the lovely scenery. Oh the beautiful dear old Mountains of West Virginia. We passed so many little mountain villages silently [[stirring?]], for the day was just breaking. How beautiful the scenes in nature where no hand but God's has carved. What beautiful things he has given us.
A [[break part?]] entered the train ^[[ at [[?]] ]]. The kids seemed to be very happy [[??]] but my mind did not often rest upon [[they's?]] as there was other things to fill my thoughts. About the time we left the mountains with their magnificent splendor, the old canal came in view but of course did not excel the mountains in beauty. It has all gone to [[rack?]] it too looks pretty but alas not as nature made it for it was the hand of man instead of God, there is where it lack in beauty.
We sped on over the level fields until we reached Washington. After stopping and waiting a few minutes
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the train took us on to the city of Baltimore it was about two o'clock when I reached my boarding place on West Mulberry St. I was so tired I thought I would never get there from Howard Street where I got off the street car. Then I found Mrs. Arnold could only take me as a boarder [[?]] there found a place to room just two doors below. Thursday morning I went to Dr. Chisolm on Franklin St. I went to him for treatment every day I was there. My dear little "sister" Lotta Hemp came to see me Saturday. I was at her home to take dinner Sunday. Sunday morning Lotta and I call on Miss Jeffie Poe a nurse in John Hopkins. She is such a dear girl and I must write to her soon. Sunday about half past three my cousin Mrs. Laura Trisher one of the matrons in Normans College and her daughter Adah, a student at the College, called. I spent Monday evening with Lotta. She and her cousin Daisy came home with me. Tuesday morning Rufus came in on the eight o'clock train. He and I went to Dr. Chisolm's in the morning. It rained steady all day. Dr. C. said I would have to be in a better climate and to take treatment once in a while during my whole life, in order to keep from getting worse. In spite of the rain Rufus and I went over to Normans College to call on our cousins. We took tea there and enjoyed the evening very much. We came back about nine o'clock. About the time we got off the street car there came up a real hard shower and it thundered a great deal. After we reached out boarding rooms I packed [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] us for next days journey. We expected to come down to Savannah on steamer