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who are "just married" we are so "showy" no I will say  devoted to each other. Oh how I wish I could ever repay him for his kindness and love. He is so good to me. I with I could see him this evening.
We reached Columbia about five o'clock January twenty eighth. A policeman directed us to Mrs. [[Trubkin's?]] for boarding and rooms but she had no rooms for us, so we went to Mere de Trevaille on Senate Street. I was so tired when I got there. They had not my room fixed so I "fixed my toilet" in another room , and went to supper. We had supper about eight o'clock.
After supper I was taken to my room. It was a large room with five long windows. It was furnished as my bed room, [[strikethrough]] set [[/strikethrough]] with a bed, dresser, washstand and a small table. The floor was covered with matting. The mantle was broad and bare not an ornament adorned room. "It was large & bare." A small lamp stood on the table. The fire had just been built, the wood & coal were cracking in the small grate. Beside the fireplace stood a small box for wood and coal. also near it was shovel and tongs. There was no paper, which I sadly missed. The coal was very soft and of course the wood did not need to be "punched." It was a pleasant evening and the temperature was mild. I went to bed early. I was so lonely in such a large empty room. I was so tired I slept till break of day. I felt rested next morning. Rufus and I walked about Columbia next day. We stayed almost two weeks in Columbia. I did not like our board, too many negro waiters and things seemed scarce. Rice, rice, nothing but rice and hominy, and once in awhile, we had a tea plate of oysters. There was no second plate. We were obliged to be satisfied with the first and only plate.
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On Sunday it was very warm. We had ice cream that day. What a wonder. I saw one cake while I was there except knew it was  not fit to eat. Rufus nearly died for he has no patience about his fare. I got so I would call for eggs every time. One day I was sick and had to stay in bed all day. I had a slight attack of [[?]]. I felt bad for several days. Then I got eggs and a glass of milk every day. But the milk tasted like a cow stable, but I drank it down and did not wish to waste it. Nearly all the time after I was sick I got a boiled egg. Mrs. Du Treville said I should take a tonic to give me an appetite. In spite of our board I enjoyed my stay at Columbia. On Sunday it was so pretty, I took a long walk alone. Rufus went off to the soldiers camp that day. It was like a summers day the air was perfumed with violets. and they were striking up their little heads in every yard. Saturday after I was up Rufus and I went out to the soldiers camp. It was a lovely day. The camp was two miles out of town. We went on a st. car almost to the place. A small grove of pines lay along in front of the camp. It is very fine tract of land surrounded by tents and little boarding house of the soldiers. The little houses roughly built served for dining rooms. Behind one of these were about eight or ten little round tents. These "wigwams" I called them were the kitchens. The Tenn. regiments were at the right as we went through the ground and the R.I. Reg. was on the adjacent side next to Tenn. It looked to me like the picture of a camp before a battle. It was about five or after when we returned. I was very tired but that made me sleep all the more.
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