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Aug. 27 Squirrel; Mts east of Skagit R. Length 12 1/8; vertebrae of tail 4 3/4; [[hairs?]] l. head to occiput 2 1/4; nose to eye 3/4; to ear 1 5/8; height ear 5/8 forefoot 1 1/8; hind, 1 3/4.

Aug. 27th Canada Grouse ♂. 16 5/8. 23. 7 1/2 specimen

" [Ditto for Aug. 27th] do. do. [[Dittos for: Canada Grouse]] 17. 23. 7 1/2. [[underlined]] head only. [[/underlined]]
Also head of female.
The young are now about half grown. It is here the common species.  The young males nearly resemble the female in plumage, but I think assume their proper color in the fall.  They frequent low bottoms & the wooded banks of streams,
are excessively tame or stupid, so much so that the men killed great numbers with sticks & the Indians caught them with a noose fastened to the end of a pole. I have seen the hen with a brood of nearly full grown chickens huddled in the trail.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Aug 28th. White bellied squirrel, female 
Length, total, 15 in; body 8 1/2; vertebrae of tail 4 3/4.  Head 2 1/4; to eye 3/4; to ear 1 3/4 height ear 5/8.  forefoot 1 1/4; hind, 2.

" " [Dittos for: Aug 28th] do [[Ditto for: White bellied squirrel]] male
Length same, head 2 3/8; to eye 7/8; to ear 1 1/8; height ear, 3/4; feet, 1 3/8. 2.

This species from here on to the Similkameen river is the common species. It is a very lively, noisy animal, its habit like those of the common pine squirrel of the sound, from which is different only in color.  Its food is chiefly the seeds of the Abies Douglassi.

Aug. 31.  Mouse. 9 1/2; 3 3/4.  head 1 1/8; to eye 1/2; to ear 3/4; height ear 5/8; feet 3/8, 1 1/4.
skull lost.

Transcription Notes:
My first transcription. Constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. @siobhanleachman - first off Thank you! Anything you do is great :-). I'm going to put feedback but I also don't want you to be put off - so here it goes. You don't need the [[Start page]] or [[end page]] at the very start or very end. It's only needed when you move from one page in the image to the next (ie in the middle of this transcription]] where you write [[end page]] [[start page]] The text can be run together when you transcribe - that is you don't need to have one line of page to one line of transcription. Where you are unsure of a word you write [[?]]. If you think you know (eg you think it's the word text) but you aren't sure write [[text?]] Where there is a symbol - here its a symbol for male I write [[male symbol]]. Where there is " or do or ditto in the text the Transcription Centre wants volunpeers to write " [[Ditto for: text]] or do. [[Ditto for: text]] etc Where text is underlined you write [[underlined]] text [[/underlined]] Where text is struck through you write [[strikethrough]] text [[/strikethrough]] so most of the first page is struckthrough so I'd put those right at the start of the strikethrough and at the end of the strikethrough. I know this is quite a lot to take it but you've started out really well. If you want further info I've done a not so little tumblr post on how I transcribe. See Any further questions please feel free to tweet me at @siobhanleachman or ask other volunpeers by using the hashtag #volunpeers. Just hope this isn't too overwhelming!