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Sept. 16 - on Katlahwoke, near camp of Sept 14/17
Fly catcher - (?) 8 1/4. 12 1/2. 4 1/2.
 Specimen no 134
do. [[Ditto for: Fly catcher]] 8 1/2  4 3/4

These birds were quite common on the Mts. The [[strikethrough]] craw [[/strikethrough]] gizzard of one examined was filled with service berries.

The Nucifraga also abundant here, generally several were together. Their food seemed to be the seeds of the pines & firs as the gizzard of one was filled with them.
Their flight resembles that of the flicker. They are very watchful & shy birds.
Stellar's Jay also observed, and Canada Jay.


Kootenay Cache Oct 7th
Sandhill crane. young. not preserved
Widgeons. meadow lark.
Grass or Upland plover (?) a small flock.
no. 135. 10 1/4. 22 1/3. 7. ♂

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[[hw?]]. [[line]]

Purchased at Victoria hunters skins of lynx & wolverine

Nov. 11 Portland Oregon. Specimens of Oregon Quail - 2 in abnormal plumage.

John Green of Portland has several deer black tail white tail & one from the Gulf of California. The latter not larger than a one year old - tail white but resembling the other generally except that it was redder in coat & the legs very slender.

Transcription Notes:
Katlahwoke and Kootenay are correct