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[[preprinted]] 54 [[/preprinted]] Grenada 22.

Below from 700 to 800 feet elevation the valleys are principally cut in beds of volcanic conglomerate, tuffs, and ashes, frequently intersected by dykes of basaltic and andescidic lavas.
History: Spanish (1498), British (1609), Caribs (1609), French (1650), British (1762), French (1779), British (1783), French rebels (1795), British (1796-1936).
Catastrophies occurred as follows: Hurricane VIII-12-1768, Fire XII-27-1771 and XI-4-1775, Hurricane X-9-1780, Fire V-15-1792, Insurrection III-3-1795, Flood X-13-1819, Hurricane VI-23-1831, Cholera outbreak VI-10-1854, Flood XII-2-1866, Earthquake and "tidal" wave XI-18-1867, Flood XI-4-1875, Hurricane IX-21-1877, Riots XI-5-1885, Fire XII-21-1886, Earthquake I-10-1888, Flood IX-9-1889 and IX-28-1894.  ?since?
The year is divided into two seasons, -the dry one, from end of January to full moon in May. Average rainfall at St. Georges is 77 inches, but much higher in other parts.
The colony has the following island dependencies: Diamond Rock (Kick-em-Jenny), Islet Ronde, Les Tantes, Isle de Caille, Levera Island, Green I., Sandy I., Bird I., Conference I., Marquis I., Bacolet I., Adam I., Calivigny I., Hog I., Glover I., also Carriacou, Petit Martinique, Petit Tobago, Saline I., Frigate I., Large I., Mabauya I., Sandy I., Jack Adam I., in the vicinity of Carriacou.
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Today is Saturday, and since Monday & Tuesday may be holidays on account of King George's funeral, decided to do some errands.
Had the camera case sewed up and fitted with a new strap; also had a change made in the straps on the saddle bag. The man who did the job was anything but a fine leather worker! Left a roll of films to be developed. Made our reservations for the Nerissa on the 30th. Went to the bank to cash draft and get bills that will be good in St. Vincent. Went to see the stamp man, and he promised to have some ready for us on Monday.
Put away specimens and wrote notes in the afternoon. Went to the library with Ruth in the evening. Started retyping Part II of my revision of the Tachyporinae.
[[margin]] I-26-36 [[/margin]] Tried to get started early but lost half an hour by forgetting my forceps. Went around the island to Grenville and then along the coast on a secondary road past Lake Antoine. [[margin]] [[underline]] Photo#64 [[/underline]] [[/margin]] My chief ambition was to get specimens of the [[underline]] Cafius [[/underline]] that I [[underline]] saw [[/underline]] a week ago but lost.
[[underline]] Station 160. [[/underline]]
About 7 miles north of Grenville, just beneath Lake Antoine. On the beach under rubbish and