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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
8866A1 30-70.01 520 22-70.02 52Dec 18 1900
8867A2 00-10.02 540 54-10.03 54Dec 18 1900
8868A3 20-50.03 580 38-50.05 13Dec 18 1900
8869A4 20-20.05 161 16-20.06 16Dec 18 1900
8870A6 00-80.06 180 18-80.07 18Dec 18 1900Dew very heavy.
8871A6 00-50.07 241 24-50.08 24Dec 18 1900Fr. clouds stopped.