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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
6309T117 00-15.017 00 16-15.017 11 16Jul 20 1908At 16 45 read Focus at 0.80, 0.70, 0.75. Mr. Cran read it at 1.00, 0.79, 0.8. x 309 HA = 0 02 W at 17 02 05. Exp. 11m instead of 10m.
6Pole17 15 42+90.017 26 42Jul 20 1908
6310T1Pole18 27 48+90.017 37 48Jul 20 1908x 310 HA = 3 14 E at 17 46 00. Ran over the time.
621 00+15.017 44 52+15.017 55 30Jul 20 1908
6311T122 40+45.018 08 00+45.018 18 00Jul 20 1908x 311 HA = 4 30 E at 18 10 10.
6Pole18 22 42+90.018 32 42Jul 20 1908
6312T1Pole18 33 09+90.018 43 09Jul 20 1908x 312 HA = 0 11 E at 18 49 00. H 312 Obs. Dec. -19.0, [[?]] Dec. = -15.0. At 19 07 Read format 1.0. Mr. Cran & Mr. Blackett also independently used it at 1.0. 1.7 + 5.2 = 15.9
619 00-15.018 50 00-19.019 00 00Jul 20 1908