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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
190560LPleiades5 50 485 55 48Feb 08 1913Repeated the usual flat with the other cell fitted up with a piece of wood instead of a mirror. This will form its support for various pieces of mirrors to be turned. Put on the support, described above, one focus of a reg. filter. Silvered as the rear surface. The glass is quite item. Examined star images & found this very astigmalic, due probably to glass taking bend from the board. Remounted it to ready but found the images though inferred not sufficiently good. Mounted sextant glass loosely on board, as described above. x 560 Sextant glass used for flat.
190561LPleiades5 56 026 06 02Feb 08 1913x 561 Same as last.
190562LPole ?6 407 42Feb 08 1913x 562 Same as last. Cannot seem to identify position, but down set by index.