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The Daily Mail

B. Šimek
Iowa City
Iowa U.S.A.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Poznamky [[/underlined]].
Prof. Vejdovsky je redaktor
Kral. Česke Spol. Nauk.

Dr. Domin si přeje "Contributions from the [[insert]] U.S. [[/insert]] National Herbarium".
Engelmanis "Cactaceae", etc.

[[line across page]]

Pan Vincenc Mràzek
Pošta Chrast in Chrudimi

[[line across page]]

July 13[[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] purchased in Prague, these garnets:
Bracelet - for [[underlined]] Anna [[/underlined] - 9.00 K.
Pin - for ma -         19.80 K.
Pin 1/2 for Ella -      1.80 K.
Pin 1/2 for Vlasta -     1.80 K.
Pin - for Emma - 1/2 -   1.35 K.
2. Small pins for babies 1.80 K.
stick pin 1/2 - Frank    1.13 K.
stickpin -               2.25 K.
                    [[addition line]]
            5 [[long division symbol]] 38.93 K.
                        $ 7.78 3/5.

[[line across page]]

Dr. Jaroslav Peklo, Praha II.
vi o chemishem techniku který by chtĕl do ameriky na výzleumy, a chtěl by užit nadau. chu do mončné práce.

[[line across page]]

Orderid [[underlined]] Agfa [[/underlined]]  plates - through Mrázek, at place of Jaroslav storý
na slupech - Praha II 
obchod s přirodninami.
[[table , 2 columns]]
[[1st column]][underlined]] List [[/underlined]][[2nd column]] [[underlined]] obber..[[/underlined]] 
6 boxes. Chromo isolark  4.70 @    2.99 = 
K. 17.94
6 " [[Ditto for: boxes.]] chromo - 3.80 @ 2.66 =  K. 16.96
6 " [[Ditto for: boxes.]] obyčijne -3.20 @ 2.24 = K. 13.44
[addition line]]  ________
[[sum]] K. 47.3
Porto 1.20