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Salsola soda
Chenopodium glaucum (duras.)
Potentilla anserina flr.
Zrypsis aculeata (juv.)
Polygonum aviculare

The surface is whitish in places from salt. At edge of large basin I was mired in usual salt-basin slime, - seemingly dry on surface.
We returned to the station, and to Budapest.
Dr. von Degen insisted on taking my plants and having them properly dried and shipped.  He himself puts up beautiful specimens, - or has his servant do it.

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8[[overwritten]] 8 [[/overwritten]]9

During the day [[insertion]] ^ at times [[/insertion]] we carried on a conversation concerning other matters than plants.
We saw Hungarian peasants with white "pajamas" called "gatě",
á = Bohemian [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]]
a =  "  [[Ditto for: Bohemian]] [[underlined]] ó [[/underlined]]
s = sh. = š
sz = s
ö = as in German.

Freemasonry is not prohibited in Hungary, but few belong.
The real Hungarians are Calvinists.
Many Slovaks and Germans are Lutherans. Germans, Slovaks & some Magyars are Catholics also. The language question causes bitter strife, - religion does not.  The Magyar speech is all in fore part of mouth, - not in throat.