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[[underlined]] July 12, 1914, Sunday. [[/underlined]]

I visited Dr. Domin in the forenoon, and discussed my return and the question of securing the Conory PhD. He says the matter will be taken up in the fall and will go through. At 11 o'clock we went to Vyšehrad, visited the cemetery, the walls, etc., and then took dinner at Zlatá Husa. We then walked to the staromeštskí  Námišti, visited the old university, Klementinum, and Karlelš bridge, and then we went up to the top of Uebrozizek, went up into the lookout tower, visited the Prague [[?]] battle panorama, and returned the Botanical Institute whence we went to the [[?]] Brenda where we spent the evening with the [[Donims?]] and Miss Soltova.
I took a series of photos for which see list at back of book for this date.

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[[underline]] July 13, 1914 Monday. [[/underline]]

We left at 7.26 am for [[Karlur? Jizur?]]. Took Photo 5.
Went up into the castle. By a special fee we were able to get a guide for ourselves. Many groups of children were visiting the castle today.
The stone balls were thrown in by H---- in 1422, and the iron balls by the Swedes in 1620.
Took interior views of chapels, photos 7 + 8. On the return I photographed the folded [[?]] at the bridge, [[underline]] photos 3 + 4 [[/underline]]. We returned to Prague, and after taking dinner at   we went shopping. Bought garment pins, etc.

In the evening we had a [[?]] supper with the Domino in the Botanical Garden. The [[Darieš?]] also came, somewhat later. We had to tear ourselves away about 11.