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že otec byl rozen [[underlined]] 25 března, 1822, [[/underlined]] a otec jeho byl Igantz Schimeck.  Na stránce 43 stojí o matce:
Marje Terezie, - r. 1852 vyzvedla křestín list.  Rozena Trinora, 1819.  Otec Josef Tit, matka Marie Titová, dcera Jana Kubiase.  Narodila se r č. 163 (staré).
Marie Šimkova, (sestra moje), byla narozena v čísle 3, due 7 května, 1847.
I then took the out-of-door photos listed on p. 163.
I learned that a Mrs. Kubin in Vamberk is related to the Tits.
Mr. Antonin Bednář, starosta, komerčin rada, tovarnik, is also 

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related through the Kubiás',--distantly.
I bought cards and pictures of Vamberk,--one with father's old home as it appeared, and also tried to buy a tripod, but the screw did not fit.  It was sent to a machinist who bungled it so that I could not use it, and I had to leave it.  We had hired a team to take us to Častolovice, but the delay made the trip impossible (and a heavy storm brewing made it undesirable), and the trip was given up.
I then took photos 8, 7, 30 (and old cottage at end of row in which father's house stood, --and like it), 27, and 4.  Photo 27 shows the bridge,