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right angles. It stands part way up the slope north of Rieger street on a very narrow lane. The present house is shown (just below the big barn) in photo 23, looking W. of N. It is a white house. 
 West of this place (no. 92) stands the old Matousĕk place (grandmother's old home), - no. 95. Nyni misto to patři Jos. Čepelkovi.
I took [[underlined]] photo 24 [[/underlined]] of the old house at no. 95. The old house, built of hewn logs, still stands. There is here a quaint row of old cottages along a narrow lane which here runs along slope, parallel to the ridge or base. Here, according to my local informants, lived

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old Matoušek, "obuvnik a hudebnik", whose son Charles, also a musician, is said to have been in Vamberk.
It is said his sons are still there. Mrs Marie Matĕjka, of no. 98, an old lady of 78, says that old Mr. Matoušek moved "do Uher", and that the son Charles followed him, while another informant, Fr. Novák, ^ [[of no. 150]],  her grandson (!), says that Charles went to Vamberk.
Fr. Jindra nyni vlastni čés 92. 
Stará zed' dosud peý tvoži část' nynĕjžiho domku, tento jest vžak otočen o čturt, následkem nepohodnuti se sonsedem.
Faráŕ v Častolovicich se jmenuje Jaroslav Petr.