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expense, but even this does not overcome the handicap.
I called at the homes of Dr. (Geheimrat) Engler and Dr. Diels, but neither of them at home. I then strolled about the garden and made miscellaneous observations.
The plant houses have blinds of slats, wired together, which can be drawn up on rollers. The walls of the plant houses are of brick, and have ventilating windows in lower part.
In the houses with upright walls canvass curtains are used.
[[image - pen drawing of tall house]] Section of a tall house, - the central part for palms, etc.

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The surface of the grounds is quite irregular, - partly original, but largely artificially created.
An interesting feature of the gardens is the development of beds for special studies. A more detailed grouping is shown in the description of the gardens (printed), but I particularly noted the following:
- A bed demonstrating geotropism, Heliotropism, Anisotropism, etc. The latter, for example, under a box-like cover, open at ends. 
- A bed showing change in position of leaves, day and night. Here are [[underlined]] Oxalis Deppei [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Chenopodium album [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Stellaria media [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Trifolium rubens [[/underlined]], etc. 
- A bed showing abnormal green "flowers", etc.