Viewing page 110 of 126

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[[upper left]] R [[/upper left]]

[[underlined]] Aug.18,1914-Tues [[/underlined]] Praha
Znover Aug.20, [[poznamninny?]] .. Ra.

[[underlined]] [[right column header]] Ra [[/right column header]] [[/underlined]]
1-Jan Neruda   Spoiled           + Ortho
2-Jan Krejčí " [[ditto for: Spoiled]]     +  " [[ditto for: Ortho]]
7- Svatopluk Čech  "[[ditto for: Spoiled]]  +  Villiers
8- Dr. J. Kaizl  " [[ditto for: Spoiled]]        +      " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
29 -Jablonský & Třebízský " [[ditto for: Spoiled]]   + " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
30 -Vítězslav Halek " [[ditto for: Spoiled]]   + " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
28- [[Alberta furu Vyśeluan?]] " [[ditto for: Spoiled]]  -     -
27- Čertŭv sloup " [[ditto for: spoiled]]  + Villiers
[[line under, and partially around, entry 27]]

[[underlined]] Aug 20 [[/underlined]]
18-1[[?]] bed.= Zool., with black & yell.bunting; 2 = [[underlined]] [[in?]] [[/underlined]]                 = Villiers
Physics with 1 [[in?]] bunting black & yellow, 2[[nd?]] red & white               
3&4-Alberertov views          not good.
[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] S [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] August 20, 1914 Zlichov & So. Prolsop. [[/underlined]]
27-Vyšehrad, z [[ciscřché?]] louky.  Villiers
28- " [[ditto for: Vyšehrad]]  a sanatorium  "   "   "  [[ditto for: louky]]    " [[ditto for: Villiers]]

3- Zlichovský kostelík, na vapencovite skále                                                                    " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
4- Bránické skaly( with advertisements)                                                     " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
23. Stohy slány a žebrinový vůz- za (zli [[cloreun?]] " [[ditto for: Villiers]]                                                 
24- Sr. Prokopské údolí-kostelik a skála (kde byla [[jekyriă?]])  [[ditto for: Villiers]]
8- Betula-(Mrs.Domin)-na stráně naproti skale. [[ditto for: Villiers]]
1-From top of knob-looking [[?]] .Sce.Prokop- [[ditto for: Villiers]]
2- Steppe cra protějsim [[kopci?]] -severnĕ- " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
29- Skalní stráň- Sesleria- [[Sco?]] . Prokop údolí - " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
30- Údolí k Hlubočepiům-steppe na severni, los na ježni stranĕ " [[ditto for: Villiers]]
5- wheat field, - women + children (Special)
[[line across page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[upper right]] 213 [[/upper right]]

[[upper left]] P 110 [[/upper left]]
[[underlined]] August 16,1914 - Stodůlky a Bílá Hora [[/underlined]]
[[small h?]] 29. (Hauff)- Looking W., across Stodůlky.
.5- (Special)- Mlatci n Dvorského domu, čis.??. 
W Stodŭlkách ([[amb?]] Lužinách)
.3-(Hauff)-Side view of no. 77-Dvorský's old house (The long, loo part [[insertion]] ^ in front [[/insertion]] is newer. Garden belongs.
.4- (Hauff)- Front view of up. 77.
.30- (Hauff)- New school in Stodůlky-
.23 - (Hauff)- No. 47, Dvorský's birthplace- [[insertion]] ^ Now [[/insertion]] [[Obecuí stráepule?]]
.24 -(Hauff)- No. 47, Looking N. farther.-Spring below, to right.
.1-(Hauff)- No.47, front, looking East. White part = house, to left is barn, & garden in front.
.7-Bílá Hora- from knob above Motol-looking N. (Hauff)
.2-[[arrow leading to under .1]]
(Hauff) Nový kostel, a v pravo došková střecha.
.8- (Hauff)- Looking E. of N. at "Hvězda".
.27 (" [[ditto for: Hauff]] ) Looking nearly E.- church & part of battle fields [[printed at top of line]] Bílá Hora. [[/printed at top of line.
28- (" [[ditto for: Hauff]] )Looking E. of U. across the main battlefields between Hvězda & the church.  A sugar beet [[insertion]] ^ field [[/insertion]]
.6- (Special)- View of front of church & crowd.
[[line across bottom of the page]]

Transcription Notes:
Do you have a tutorial on how to insert some grammatical marks such as shwas, tildas, etc? -- I find diacritics on Wikipedia. I copy and paste from there - at the bottom of the "letter articles" they have links to every letter. - A.H. Diacritics for copy/paste: áăčćéĕíǐňóŏřśšýžŭů