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√ /p/ pʰin upper [[strikethrough]] same as eng. [[/strikethrough]] aspirated [[insert]] span = opin [-_] happen = apin [-_] [[/insert]] lip
√ /t/ tʰin better [[insert]] butter = bɒta [-_] [[/insert]] bit
√ /k/ kʰin lucky [[insert]] aspirated - mɒnki [_-] = monkey ɒnkul [_-] = uncle [[/insert]] back
√ /b/ bin same as Eng. rubber [[insert]] rɒba [-_] [[/insert]] cub
√ /d/ din same as Eng. rudder [[insert]] rɛda = [-_] [[strikethrough]] = [[/strikethrough]] [[/insert]] dad
√ /g/ give same as Eng. beggar [[insert]] = bega-bega or bega_man [-_] [[/insert]] fig leaves [[insert]] = fignɒtlif [_-_]
/f/ fin bilabial coffer [[insert]] kɒfi [_-] [[/insert]] cough as in Eng.
/θ/ thin none matthew both
√ /s/ sin same as Eng fussy fɒsi[-_] miss
√ /ʃ/ shin same as Eng. fashion faʃin [-_] rash ras=buttocks
/v/ vine bilabial cover [[insert]] kɒfa[-_] or kiba [-_])-? [[/insert]] give [[insert]]gi[[/insert]] √
/ð/ then none other ɒda [-_] bathe [[insert]]was=wash or bathe[[/insert]]
√/z/ zink same as Eng. fuzzy as in Eng. his - ĩ [[insert]] i=he am=him [[/insert]] dɒzin [-_]  cousin = kɒzin [_-]

/Z/ asure=ʃ rouge mas= mash, but puʃ=push
                  diʃ=diʃ, but  fish= fis

√/m/ mat mata simmer dim
√/n/ gnat alveolar sinner [[insert]] sina [-_] [[/insert]] din
?/ŋ/ singer [[insert]] final [[and ??]] (siŋga) [[/insert]] thing [[strikethrough]] (initial?) [[/strikethrough]]
/l/ lip [[insert]] final l is clear (very clear) [[/insert]] follow call fa₃la₁ - follow also [[strikethrough]] fa₃la₁ [[/strikethrough]] noh fala [_-_] = means to disregard 
/r/ rip [[insert]] uvular flapped - not retracted as much as French [[/insert]] arrow car 'ka
√/y/ yet as in Eng. high (ai)
/w/ wet [[insert]] slight lip rounding wh = w [[/insert]] how (au)
/h/ hat [[insert]] initial h is usually dropped [[/insert]] behave (biev)
√ /dʒ/ juice dʒ [[circled]] dodger doesnt occur [[/circled]] dodge dʒ
√ /tʃ/ choose tʃ butcher butʃa hatch atʃ tʃɒtʃ