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July 27
Left Belle Plaine at 10 A.M.
[[underline]] Wichita [[/underline]]
Geomys hills com, W. of Ark. R. on sandy bottoms
Strike clay praire about 5 mi. W. of Wichita -
[[underline]] Gandard [[/underline]]
Lepus sylvaticus  2

[[underline]] Garden Plain [[/underline]]
P.D. town,  numerous over 40 acres -
Speotyto, com, 6 seen around one P.D. hole.
A small River
Lepus texianus 1 seen
Ceryle alcyon 1
[[underline]] Cheney [[/underline]]
Creeks & sandy soil,
Geomys hills, com
Lepus tex, very pale
Clay again & no [[Gophers?]]
[[underline]] Murdock [[/underline]]
Yucca angustifolia  1
Red clay & shale - bare
Geomys or thomomys hills
Lepus texianus 3

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[[start page]]

small river, sandy -
Geomys hills com. at [[underline]] Kingman [[/underline]] 
Geomys hills abn, to [[underline]] Calista [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Cunningham, [[/underline]] Dark