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May 7. [[underlined]] 1894 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] To Ewing [[/underlined]] 1 hour. Pinnated grouse 3 Otocoris Com Poocatis [[overwritten]] 2 [[/overwritten]] 4 Amodramus Com Zenaidura 4 Subis purpureus 1 Colaptes 2 Cyanocitta cristata, heard Xanthocephalus about 80 a flock of 43 & 3 Molothrus on pig pen fence at 8:08 P.M. nearly dark mostly [[2 male symbols]] [[underlined]] May 8 Ewing [[/underlined]] Xanthocephalus 30 at Pig pen Molothrus 20 at pig pen Aegelais phoeniceus, 6 or 8 " [[Ditto for: at pig pen}] Quiscalus a few seen S. franklini, 2 repd by boy. Artemisia frigida " [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] Yucca glauca com. Prunus [[marotimus?]] ? " [[Ditto for: com]] Lithospermum " [[Ditto for: Lithospermum]] Amorpha canescens com. Lathyrus ornatus (pea) " [[Ditto for: com]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] May 8 to Norfolk [[/underlined]] Pinnated grouse 7 Quiscalus com Melospiza fasciata 1 Ceryle alcyon 1 Troglodites a. [[parkwain?]] 2 Cyanocitta cristata 4 Harporhynchus 4 Sialia sialis 2 Chondestes 1 Spinus tristis 2 Dendroica aestiva 1 [[Ammodramus archdanus?]] 6 Zenaidura macroura 6 Colaptes auratus 2 Hirundo erythrogaster 7 Tyrannus tyrannus 2 Zonotrichia (Harris) 1 shot. 2 Sturnella var. neglecta com Vireo olivaceus 1 Merula 4 Molothrus ater com Martin " [[Ditto for: com]] Colinus virginianus 2 Passer domesticus. com. Geomys hill - 24 in across 8 in high in center 4 in when leveled Lepus sylvaticus
Transcription Notes:
Checked Latin species names, left Vernon's original spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]]. Various notes on more difficult latin names are below.
Otocoris = old species name for the Prairie Horned Lark
Amodramus = Vernon probably means Ammodramus
Aegelais phoeniceus = Vernon probably means Agelaius phoeniceus
[[marotimus?]] = Vernon's m's sometimes look like w's. See how he writes Amorpha below.