This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] Norfolk Neb. [[/underlined]] Populus angulata Symphorocarpos occidentalis Plum Chokecherry Grapes Boxelder Willow. [[underlined]] May 9 Norfolk [[/underlined]] Mimus Pollyglottis 2 Colinus 2 Arvicola austerus, embryos 3/1 Teats 2 2/2, P 1/1. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Oakdale. [[/underlined]] May 9 Zenaidura nest, 2 eggs. in grass [[underlined]] May 10 [[/underlined]] Spizella [[strikethrough]] arborea [[/strikethrough]] pallida 2 killed 20 seen Passer domestica com Calaptes auratus 2 [[underlined]] Stuart [[/underlined]] Gopher hills begins [[underlined]] Newport [/underlined]] [[underlined] Long Pine [[/underlined]]
Transcription Notes:
Checked Latin species names via Google, kept Vernon's original spelling. Anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]].