Viewing page 12 of 46

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[[underlined]] Pine Ridge [[/underlined]] May 16

Argentia shepherdia  abn.
Rhus aromatica  com.
Elmus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Populus monolifera  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Prunnus  - 3  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Yucca glauca  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Opuntia vulgaris
" [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] fragilis
Mamilaria visirparia
Ribes aureum
Synptorocarpos occidentatis
Artemisia frigida
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] ludoviciana
Lothryrus ornatus
Pentstinon cetirulia

[[underlined]] May 17 [[/underlined]] Crawford

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] May 18 [[/underlined]] Crawford 6. A.M.
Geomys hills 5 mi. N. of Crawford
[[underlined]] 10 mi. N. of [[/underlined]] Crawford -
Artemisia tridentata & cava 
no gopher hills
L. baileyi 2 big ears & tail.
[[underlined]] Ardmore [[/underlined]]
Thomomys hills begin
Cynomys holes, abn.
Atriplex confertifolia
[[underlined]] Section house [[/underlined]]
Scolecophagus cyanocephalus 2

[[underlined]] Edgemont [[/underlined]]
Cheyenne R. sandy flats 
Gopher hills numerous
Thermopsis rombifolius
[[underlined]] S & G Ranch [[/underlined]] tank

[[underlined]] Newcastle [[/underlined]] 10 A.M.
Cyanocephalus cyano, abn.
Sialia arctica 2
Micropus melanoleucens 9
Spizella socialis,  com.
Colaptes, heard.
Robin " [[Ditto for: heard]]
Pipilo arcticus, heard.
Salpinctus 2

Transcription Notes:
Micropus melanoleucens - pretty sure this is what he wrote. Have no idea what he's talking about though as can't find anything similar via Google.