Viewing page 2 of 41

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[[underlined]] w [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Vernon Bailey [[/underlined]]
[[overwritten]] 1800 [[/overwritten]]
[[underlined]] 1900 [[/underlined]] : [[underlined]] Vol. II. [[/underlined]]
Washington. D.C. 2019. 19 [[superscript]][[underlined]] th [[/underlined]][[/superscript]]

[[underlined]] Field Notes [[/underlined]]

[[text upside down]]
Harry Root. Fallbrook.
skull of big grizzly
[[line across page]]
F, Austin, Escondido.
[[line across page]]
Lead & opium wash
3 oz each &
[[line across page]]
Manning - for tiles & mantles
[[line across page]]
[[/text upside down]]

Transcription Notes:
Think the y in Bailey makes the Vol II look like Vol VI.