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[[underlined]] Atlanta [[/underlined]] Country more open & rolling [[underlined]] Marshall [[/underlined]] Strips of red soil [[underlined]] Longview [[/underlined]] Red soil, rolling More open country Trees lower and scrubby. [[Cephlocus pileatus?]] over 20 mi. W. of Longview E. edge of big prairie 2 mi. E. of [[underline]] Wills Point [[/underlined]] a sudden change from red soil & scrub timber to [[strikethrough]] black wax land & [[/strikethrough]] level prairie strips of woods again along bottoms, some sand. A few mesquites & 2 Milvulus forticatus near [[underlined]] Terrell [[/underlined]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Mainly prairie black & waxy. a mesquite thicket 3 mi. West of [[underlined]] Terrell [[/underlined]] All prairie to [[underlined]] Dallas [[/underlined]] dark. all prairie to [[strikethrough]] Ft [[/strikethrough]] Ft. Worth & beyond [[underlined]] May 5. [[/underlined]] Daylight 1 hour east of [[underlined]] Colorado [[/underlined]] All smooth mesquite plain except breaks near Colorado R. Mesquite, Yuccas, Cactus, celtis. Grass short & not much green - Red soil, sandstone hedges along [[rivers?]]