This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] May 10 [[/underlined]], Camp near Sanderson (10 mi E.) in gulch " [[Ditto for: near Sanderson]] Sophora secundiflora canyon Forsteria angustifolia " [[Ditto for: canyon]] Bunelia angustifolia ? " [[Ditto for: canyon]] Juglans rupestris " [[Ditto for: canyon]] Fallugia " [[Ditto for: canyon]] Ceanothus ovatus " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] fendleri Cercis [[A left-pointing arrow drawn here is connected to a bracket on opposite page. See formatting note on that page.]] Opuntia engelmani ? " [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] rafinesquie ? " [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] lepticaulis Bacchiris Microrhammus ericoides Yucca b. macrocarpa dominant " [[Ditto for: Yucca]] glauca stricta com " [[Ditto for: Yucca]] rigida a few Dasyterion abn Nolina com [[Sebonelerian?]] " [[Ditto for: com]] 20 mi. camped 10 mi. W. of Sanderson [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] May 10 [[/underlined]] . Calipepla [[strikethrough]] [[castemogastris?]] [[/strikethrough]] squamata, com . Vireo atrecapillus " [[Ditto for: com]] . [[Harporhynchus curircastis? ?]] 1 . Melanerpes aurifrons com . Pipilo [[strikethrough]] aberti [[/strikethrough]] [[enesobucos?]] 2 . Cardinalis com . Cyanospiza versicolor 1 . Zonotrichia leucophrus com . Mimus pollyglottos com [[The following six items have a left bracket drawn and an arrow pointing to previous page so that they will be grouped with other botanical items. See note on that page]] Leucaena retusa, orange heads " [[Ditto for: Leucaena]] pulverulenta, white heads. Ungnadia speciosa Rhus microphylla " [[Ditto for: Rhus]] virens Atriplex canescens [[/bracket]] . Calamospiza abn. . Chondestes com . Zenaidura com . Myiarchus cinesascans 2 . Anthus com. at pond . Phalaenoptilus com . Chordieles " [[Ditto for: com]] . Dendroica auduboni. 1 at pond.
Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling and anything I couldn't get is in [[?]]. Didn't make much progress - Sorry!
Man, this one was tough. Hoping a Bailey expert can ferret out items with question marks.
re: rafinesquie. I doubt my translation here because I know that Bailey knows how to spell Rafinesque. But it sure looks like a dotted "i" in there. Long day on the trail?
re: Bacchiris: he has spelled this right elsewhere but I'm calling it like I see it.