This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] Sabine [[/underlined]] Salt grass, Distochis Salicornia Suaeda Heliotropium Atriplex Baccharis - composite bush [[underlined]] June 23 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Beaumont [[/underlined]] westward Prairie & grasses [[underlined]] Prairie plants [[/underlined]] Baptisia 2 little laurel like bush Cone flowers Rudbeckias Grendelia big white willow ? purple flowered square pod bean bush many grasses [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Grove, [[/underlined]] "or Matt", 2 pieces Post oak Live oak Liquidambar white stemmed laurel tree? Gray moss Sabal in places Pinus teda [[underlined]] [[Chimel?]] [[/underlined]] a nice little town on big prairie in rice fields - good to work. lots of [[mounds?]], timber away to north. [[underlined]] Sour Lake [[/underlined]] - station & store & hotel ? on good prairie near edge of timber
Transcription Notes:
Googled the species names, kept Vernon's spelling and anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]]
Grendelia = Vernon probably means Grindelia
Pinus teda = Vernon probably means Pinus taeda