This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] June 24 [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Houston [[/underlined]] - Hotel Logan 10 AM Prosopis juliflora 1 tree " [[Ditto for: Prosopis]] pubescens a few trees Geomys hills com, edge of town no more to Richmond [[bracketed]] Pinus teda " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] [[nitis?]] [[/bracketed]] last seen about 6 mi. W. of Houston mostly prairie [[underlined]] Richmond [[/underlined]] = [[Heresach?]] first seen Last of [[underlined]] Liquidamber [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] [[Tesline?]] [[/underlined]] all prairie [[underlined]] Eagle Lake [[/underlined]] drier prairie with shorter grass fires burning [[underlined]] [[Cellington?]] [[/underlined]] Scrubby live & post oak timber loaded with moss on mesquite. [[underlined]] Columbus [[/underlined]] & Colorado R. Splendid live oaks & moss more mesquite [[end page]] [[start page]] Scrubby timber or openings of live & post & black oak & other low trees in Colo. R. Val. [[underlined]] Warren ? [[/underlined]] - mainly prairie Dry but very good farms of cotton, corn, & some grain. [[underlined]] [[Salmlenbarg?]] [[/underlined]] dunes [[underlined]] Engle [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Flatonia [[/underlined]] More mesquite, grass more [[benchy?]], corn dried up [[underlined]] Wilder [[/underlined]] lots of mesquite - real arid. [[underlined]] Harwood [[/underlined]]
Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]]