This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] July 11 2493 [[/underlined]] Left camp 9 AM - 2150 [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] 15 mi. 2450 Amphispiza bilineata 2300 [[Peneia cassini?]] abn " [[Ditto for: 2300]] Pipilo [[mesolucos?]] " [[Ditto for: 2300]] Sturnella & yg. abn Camp 25 mi. dry camp 2600 [[underlined]] July 11 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] - [[strikethrough]] 25 mi. [[/strikethrough]] 9 A.M. 2600 Thomomys Cave 18 mi. camp 2650 [[underlined]] July 12 [[/underlined]]. Camp, 9 A.M., 2600 [[underlined]] Rock Springs [[/underlined]] 11 mi. 2700 Cornet altitude [[underlined]] 2500 [[/underlined]] Out to Wades Ranch 7 mi. South 2400 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] July 13 [[/underlined]] down to Hackberry Cr. [[underlined]] On creek [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] & not above. [[/underlined]] Pican Quercus [[strikethrough]] privoides [[/striekthrough]] acumivata " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] [[strikethrough]] coccinea [[/strikethrough]] texana & spic. " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] Laceyi - speic. Ulmus crassifolia Platiuns Prunus pennsylvancus ? Quercus undulata - spine. Quercus [[insertion]] ^ fusiformis [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] virginianus [[/strikethrough]]. spine.
Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling and anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]]