Viewing page 31 of 63

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[[underlined]] Aug. 13 [[/underlined]] up Livermore

Finlay 8715 5425
e[[overwritten]] g [[/overwritten]]dge of oaks & junpers [[insertion]] & nut pine [[/insertion]]  6000

Pinus ponderosa  6600 8000

Left house 10:30  4750

Quercus grisia 6000 - top
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] texana (black) " [[Ditto for: 6000]] - " [[Ditto for: top]]
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] undulata (scrub) " [[Ditto for: Quercus]]
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] [[strikethrough]] luacophylla [[/strikethrough]] hypolenea 6600 - 8000
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] neomexiana lobed bay 7500 - 8700
Populous tremuloides  7800 - 8000
Cercocarpus  6400 - 8700
Philadelphus  6600 - peak
Arbutus 6000 -
Yucca low 6600 - 8000
Potato 7000 - top
Pinus strobiformis 8000.
Quercus dwarf [[strikethrough]] 9000 [[/strikethrough]] 8500 - 8800 
[[underlined]] Peak [[/underlined]] - reading 8800
on peak
[[strikethrough]] Opuntia [[/strikethrough]] white spined
Cereus [[pancispunus?]]
" [[Ditto for: Cereus]] white spinus

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Celtis reticulata

[[underlined]] Aug. 14 [[/underlined]] back to Valentine

[[underlined]] Aug. 18 [[/underlined]] Valentine, 6 AM.
Buteo v. caturus
" [[Ditto for: Buteo]] swansoni abn.
Curlow 1
Ravens  abn
Mainly Lower Sonoran, upper on cold slopes.
[[underlined]] Sierra Blanca [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] El Paso [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 19 [[/underlined]] At El Paso
[[underlined]] Aug. 20 [[/underlined]] To Van Horn 

Transcription Notes:
names checked