Viewing page 35 of 63

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

487. Forestiera ? 
Salt Basin (W. of Guadelupe Mts
Sept. 2. 1902 Tex.

488. Prosopis juliflora
Toyah, Tex. Aug. 29.

489. Artemisia
Guadalupe Mts., N. Mex. Sept. 4.

490. Aplopappus ?
Guadalupe Mts. N. Mex. Sept. 4.

491. Gutersigia
Guadalupe Mts., N.M., Sept. 4.

492. Ribes  blue
Sierra Blanca. NM. Sept. 12 
12000 feet

593. Ribes  red
Sierra Blanca, N.M. Sept. 12
12000 feet

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

12000 feet

494. Primula
Sierra Blanca, N.M. Sept 12.
495. Geum ?
Sierra Blanca, N.M. Sept. 12

496. Liatris punctata
Logan, N.M. Sept. 23.
496 a. Psoralea ?
497. [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] Mimosa borealis
b. Dalea [[strikethrough]] fruticosa [[/strikethrough]] formosa 
c. Dalea
[[right margin]] N.M. Logan [[/right margin]]

498. Prosapis j.
Logan, N.M. Sept. 23.

499. Prosapis j.
Logan, N.M. Sept. 23.

For 500 see page 100. 

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is [[?]]. Aplopappus = Vernon might mean Haplopappus ??