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Oxytropis abn
Short grass.
Yellow Erigeron like flower, abn.
Tumble weeds, old by fence.

Jackrabbit, [[underlined]] melanotis [[/underlined]] 1
Cyromys abn, all along
S. 13 line pallidus, abn.
Geomys hills " [[Ditto for: abn.]]

Speotyto 1 
Sturnella - all along
Otocris " [[Ditto for: all along]]
Zenaidura " [[Ditto for: all along]]
Melanochrys a few flocks

Artemisia filifolia, abn, along both sides of the [[underlined]] Cimarron [[/underlined]] valley
[[underlined]] [[Arkealon?]] [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Beaver Cr. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Guyman [[/underlined]] = [[strikethrough]] Texoma [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Texhoma [[/underlined]] a few little houses & 1 saloon big, [[bay?]] prairie.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Dalhart [[/underlined]] 7 P.M.

[[underlined]] Santa Rosa [[/underlined]], 1 P.M. night.
[[underlined]] May 19 [[/underlined]]
Santa Rosa.
[[Sant Sarber?]] 30 mi. S. W. to Davis Ranch - for hack
Went 8 mi. N. to ranch of Mr. Mott to look at horses.

[[underlined]] May 20 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 22 [[/underlined]] East to well & to river
[[underlined]] May 23 [[/underlined]] Out to Motts' place 
[[underlined]] May 24 [[/underlined]] Sunday