Viewing page 19 of 44

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]] up Baldy
[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 11000 9:30 AM
our meadow 11500
Lake  11600
[[underlined]] Ridge [[/underlined]] 12100
Artemisia borealis
Geum rossii
Potentilla [[strikethrough]] gellida [[/strikethrough]] gracilis
Primula parreyi ?
" [[Ditto for: Primula]] angustifolia small
Salix reticulata 
[[underlined]] Lunch [/underlined]]  12500
[[underlined]] Picas Baldy [[/underlined]] - top  12600
Cynopterus " " [[Dittos for: top 12600]]
Ari[[insertion]] ^ n [[/insertion]]naria [[narolifolia?]] " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
" [[Ditto for: Arinnaria]] fendleri " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Geum rossii " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Orthocarpos " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Helenium " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Draba alpina " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Carex " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Artemisia borealis " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Sibaldia procumbus " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Sedum [[strikethrough]] douglassii [[/strikethrough]] ? red. " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Silene acaulis " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Saxifraga [[strikethrough]] alpina [[/strikethrough]] bromchialis " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Sedum douglassii " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Rumex " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Castaleya [[strikethrough]] [[novoleuca?]] [[/strikethrough]]
septentrionalis yellow " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Pentstemon gracilis " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Potentilla glabia ? " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
Sedum (red) " [[Ditto for: top 12600]]
[[strikethrough]] Gentiana [[/strikethrough]] white

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Piccanente (extreme)  12500
Juniperus [[strikethrough]] procumbus [[/strikethrough]] alpina " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
Vaccincum [[uniorphyllum?]] " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
Potentilla fruticosa " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
Antenaria alpina " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
[[strikethrough]] Ageostis [[/strikethrough]] timothy " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
Heuchera " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
Pinus balfouriana   12400
Solidago " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
Achilea alpina? " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
Stellaria top  " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
Eutamias, 1 shot  " [[Ditto for: 12400]]

[[underlined]] Up to east peak [[/underlined]] of Baldy  12600
[[underlined]] more snow [[/underlined]], same plants " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Gentiana, white " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Silene acaulis " [[Ditto for: 12600]]
Primula dwarf " [[Ditto for: 12600]] 
Ochotona 1 killed, com " [[Ditto for: 12600]] 
Arctomys sign. com, " [[Ditto for: 12600]] 
Picea englemanni S.W.  12500
Juniperus [[strikethrough]] procumbens [[/underlined]] communis alpine " [[Ditto for: 12500]]
Aquilegia caerulea sw.  12400
Allium  " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
Myrtensia alpina?  12300
Veronica alpina  " [[Ditto for: 12400]]
Cnicus [[croaphalus?]] " [[Ditto for: 12400]] 
Cardamina " [[Ditto for: 12400]] 
([[strikethrough]] Orthocarpos [[/underlined]] (lousewort) )  12000
(Pedicularis parryi)

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman