Viewing page 38 of 44

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Sept. 25 [[/underlined]] Camp 9. 7700
[[underlined]] Mesa [[/underlined]] at Hondo Canyon 8000
[[underlined]] Hondo [[/underlined]] Canyon, mouth  7800
Populus angustifolia 7600 - 8500
Betula occidentala 7300 - 7900
Prumus virginana  - 9100
Spirea - 8100
Ribes black  7700 - 8000
" [[Ditto for: Ribes]] cereum red - 8000
Cercocarpus [[?]] - 9100
Fallugia  - 8000
philadelphys " [[Ditto for: 8000]]
Cornus  - 9000
Almus  -9100
Salix cordata
" [[Ditto for: Salix nigra]] - 7800
Rosa 8100
Juniperus ? 8100 S.W.
Pinus edulis
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] ponderosa 7900 NE - 8500
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] flexilis 1 at 7900 - 9100
Pseudotsuga  2900 NE - 9100
Abies concolor " [[Ditto for: 2900]] - 9600
Picea pungens " [[Ditto for]] 2900 - " [[Ditto for: 9600]]
Quercus gambeli  9100
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]]
Rubus strigosus 7900 - 11500
Acer glabrum - 9100
Populus [[trus?]] - 8000 NE - 11000
Abies lasiocarpa  8200 NE - 12000
 Pine squirrel " [[Ditto for: 8200]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Upper Sonoran [[/underlined]] - 8100 SW
[[underlined]] Transition [[/underlined]] 7000 sW - 9100 SW
[[underlined]] Canadian [[/underlined]] 8200 NE - 11500
[[?]] repens 7800 - 8100
[[?]]  " [[Ditto for: 8100]]
Arctostaphylos  9100
Thomomys  9100 - top
Camp " [[Ditto for: 9100]]
[[underlined]] Twining [[/underlined]] (said to be 9600) 9800[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] meadow [[/underlined]] 3 mi. 10700

[[underlined]] Horses [[/underlined]] left 11200
[[underlined]] Top of big [[/underlined]] morain 11600
[[underlined]] Lake [[/underlined]] 11700
[[underlined]] [[Hudoziron?]] [[/underlined]] zone [[/underlined]] 11300
Ribes black 11300
" [[Ditto for: Ribes]] red " [[Ditto for: 11300]]
" [[Ditto for: Ribes]] blue 10800

[[underlined]] [[?]] [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 10000 [[/strikethrough]]
[[ Gradeep?]] [[strikethrough]] 9600 [[/strikethrough]]
mouth of Canyon [[strikethrough]] 8200 [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Mesa [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 8400 [[/strikethrough]]
Camp 7 P.M. [[strikethrough]] 8200 [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Trouble with Species names checked up until Cercocarpus.