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[[overwritten]] How [[/overwritten]] Oh! The glorious frozen north woods
Sparkle on a frosty morn in March
With the starry [[?]] [[ing?]] 
over head,
How the snowshoes dance & rattle
On a diamond studded crust
Keeping time to pulses heaven stirred

How the red squirrels run & chatter
How the snow white rabbits scatter
On thin crust

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When we go away from here
We'll forget the weary evening
When the snowshoes heavy laden 
Clog our feet
When the [[strikethrough]] weary [[/strikethrough]] brain all
dull & listless calls for sleep

We'll remember only mornings
With this crisp & glorious sparkle

There is not in all the year [[takers?]]
That compare with just this spell
In this crispy early spring time 
Ere the winter bids farewell