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[[underlined]] July 4 1904 [[/underlined]] 
Left Washington 11.05 A.M. for Tres Piedras, N.M.
A clear hot day, foliage rich, rye & wheat in shocks
[[underlined]] Cumberland [[/underlined]] 3.05
Cutting wheat
[[underlined]] Deer Park. [[/underlined]] 4.41
Cool & fresh, green meadows, corn 6 - 10 inches high. Laurel in full bloom.
[[underlined]] Oakland [[/underlined]] still beautiful
Canyon of river

Gas & oil & coke ovens

[[underlined]] July 5 [[/underlined]]
Daylight in southern Ind. Tecoma radicans abn. in full bloom, a week or two weeks ahead of Woolington. 
Grain all cut & shocked, & all crops ahead of the same at Washington.

[[underlined]] St. Louis [[/underlined]] 12 M.
Out to Exposition. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] July 6 [[/underlined]] Kansas City at 8 AM. Mo. Poe.
Rivers high. 
[[underlined]] Topeka [[/underlined]] 12

[[underlined]] Osage City [[/underlined]]
A few western plants
Floods all along the Cottonwood R. 

[[underlined]] July 7. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Lapunta [[/underlined]], daylight
Sarcobatus abn
Atroplex canescens
Atriplex confertifolia
Eurotia lanata ?
Opuntia arborescens
Cottonwood along streams
Willows " " [[Dittos for: along streams]]
Ipomea leptophylla

Alfalfa good
Apples " [[Ditto for: good]]
Cherries " [[Ditto for: good]] 

Transcription Notes:
"Poe." in KC entry, which original transcriber ?ed and did not enter, may refer to "port of entry".