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[[underlind]] Pueblo, July 7 [[/underlind]]
Out to park east of town
Opuntia arborescens, abn, in flower
" [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] flat, white spines, abn.
Yucca glauca, on hill
Atriplex canescens abn.
" [[Ditto for: Atriplex]] confertifolia abn.
Artetmisia  dwarf, on hills
Guterrizia euthamae? abn.
Malvastrum munroanum
Dalea  little yellow
Gramma grass

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[[underlined]] Pueblo [[/underlined]] July 7.
Sturnella neglecta
Icterus bullocki
Pica hudsonica - 1 10 mi. E. of town.
Chordeiles m. henryi a few seen
Chondestes  com
Carpodacus frontalis " [[Ditto for: com]]
Spizella arizonae 1
Dendroica aestiva in park
Contopus richardsoni 2 " [[Ditto for: in park]]
Tyrannus verticalis 2 " [[Ditto for: in park]]
Mimos pallyglottos 2 
Zenaidura  com
Callipepla squamata  1 
Passer domesticus abn.

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman Mimos pallyglottos = Mimus polyglottos