This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] July 19 [[/underlined]] Glorietta Camp (7550 (7350 9 A.M. Taos (7300 " [[Ditto for: Taos]] (7100 [[underlined]] Hondo Canyon [[/underlined]] (7900 (7700 [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] in Hondo Canyon (8100 (7900 [[underlined]] July 20 [[/underlined]] Camp on Hondo 8000 7800 [[underlined]] Anazett [[/underlined]] 9000 Twining 9500 Meadow 10200 [[underlined]] Camp above [[/underlined]] lake 11900 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] July 20 [[/underlined]] Camp 11200 . Picea engelmani - 1200 W . Abies lasiocarpa - 1200 W . Pinus arristata 11600 - 1200 W. [[underlined]] timberline [[/underlined]] W - 1200 . Myosotis alpestris 12200 W - . Primula [[strikethrough]] alpina [[/strikethrough]] angustifolia 12600 - . Myrtensia alpina . ' 'minutiflora' 12600 - . Poppy papaver nudicaule 13000 - 13500 . Silene acaulis " [[Ditto for: 13000]] - Clatonia meggariza 13600 - 13700 top of first ridge 13300 [[strikethrough]] Pole Peak 13000 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Wheeler Peak [[/underlined]] ? 13500 . Sibaldia procumbens top . Geum rossi " [[Ditto for: top]] . Trifolium [[strikethrough]] uniflora 11000 [[/strikethrough]] nanum? 1200 " [[Ditto for: top]] . " [[Ditto for: Trifolium]] gymnocarpon " [[Ditto for: top]] . Myrtensia alpina " [[Ditto for: top]] . " [[Ditto for: Myrtensia]] "microflora" " [[Ditto for: top]] . Sedum stenopetalum . Rhodiola integrifolia " [[Ditto for: top]] . Draba " [[Ditto for: top]] . Arribis " [[Ditto for: top]] . Phlox douglasi " [[Ditto for: top]] . Silene acaulis " [[Ditto for: top]] . Arcuaria " [[Ditto for: top]] . " " [[Dittos for: Arucaria top]] . Potentilla " [[Ditto for: top]] . Primula [[strikethrough]] alpina [[/strikethrough]] angustifolia " [[Ditto for: top]] . Oxaria digyna 11400 " [[Ditto for: top]]
Transcription Notes:
Species names checked, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman
Changed Myosotis alpestris and second Primula alpina -@meg_shuler
made one further tiny edit ("umflora" to "uniflora") - @meg_shuler