Viewing page 17 of 67

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Aug. 6. [[/underlined]] Camp 9 AM  10700
" [[Ditto for: Aug. 6.]] Twining (set) 9900
Tachinita thallasina nest at 10300 S.W.
Empidarox difficilis shot 10700 " [[Ditto for: S.W.]]
Vireo swainsoni " " [[Dittos for: shot 10700]]
Pinus arristata  11000 S.W. -
Populus tremuloides  - 11000 SW
[[underlined]] Sawmill [[/underlined]] 11100
[[underlined]] summit [[/underlined]] 11200

[[underlined]] Aug. 8 [[/underlined]] Camp, 11 AM 10700
Twining 12 " [[Ditto for: AM]] 9850
[[underlined]] Amazett [[/underlined]] 9400
. Abies concolor  - 9800
. Pseudotsuga - 9600
. Pinus flexilis  - 94000
. " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] ponderosa { a few at - 9200
{ com in bottom  9000
. Alnus
. Betula  a few to  9000
. Picea pungens  - 9200
. Ribes R. irriguem " [[Ditto for: 9200]]
. Cornus asperifolia " [[Ditto for: 9200]]
. Pentstemon  scarlet " [[Ditto for: 9200]]
. [[Merarda?]] " [[Ditto for: 9200]]
Physocarpos " [[Ditto for: 9200]]
. Pyrus sambucifolia 9100 - 10000
. Populus angustifolia - 9000
. Shepherdia " [[Ditto for: 9000]]
. Quercus - a few - 9000 SW
. " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] com. in bottom - 9000
[[underlined]] Southdock [[/underlined]] 8900

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Brick Kiln [[/underlined]] 
. Cleome " [[Ditto for: 8500]]
. Mentzela " [[Ditto for: 8500]]
. Ceanothus " [[Ditto for: 8500]]
[[underlined]] Camp at old mill [[/underlined]]  8350[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] Aug 9 [[/underlined]] Camp 8150
Toll House 7900
[[underlined]] Upper Sonoran [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aug 11 [[/underlined]] Camp 8450 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]]
. Pinus edulis - 8500 SW
. Juniperus utahensis - " [[Ditto for: 8500]]
. " [[Ditto for: Juniperus]] flaccida ? " [[Ditto for: 8500]]
. Cercocarpus parvifolius - 8500 SW
. Philadelphus
. Ribes leptanthum
. " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] cereum
. Berberis (spatulata) - 82000
. Clematis
. Rosa
. Physocarpas
. Lupinus
. Artemisia tridentata
. Ribes leptanthum
[[underlined]] Toll House [[/underlined]] 82500
. Camp
. Holodiscus  8200

Transcription Notes:
Species names checked. Vernon's spelling kept. Anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman made one minor edit -@meg_shuler