Viewing page 30 of 67

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Artemisia cana abn
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] frigida
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] dracunculoides
Helianthus annuus
Aster multiflora
" [[Ditto for: Aster]] purple
Bigelovia canescens abn
Castalisa  red
Pentstemon  scarlet
Gilia agregata
Ribes cereum
" [[Ditto for: Ribes]] aureum
Rhus aromatica

[[underlined]] Gomez [[/underlined]] Sheep ranch 7000
Negundo  a few
Artemisia tridentata
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] arbuscula
Tumble weed
Cowania mexicana  a few bushes
[[underlined]] Dulce [[/underlined]] 7000

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] at Dulce  6900
[[underlined]] Sept. 21 [[/underlined]]
Up Horse lake road 8 miles
[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]]  7600

[[underlined]] Sept 22 [[/underlined]] Camp 10.  7600
[[underlined]] Horse Lake [[/underlined]] 5 miles  7800
on Continental Divide.
Negundo  a few trees by lake
Salix yellow. tree, " " " [[Dittos for: a few trees by lake]]
Pinus ponderosa  abn
Pinus edulis  on S. slopes
Quercus gambeli  abn.
Amelanchier   " [[Ditto for: abn.]]
Prunus virginians  " [[Ditto for: abn.]]
Helianthella - Ximensia
Artemisia tridentata
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] cana
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] arbuscula
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] frigida
Tumble weed
Suaeda  around lake
Rhus aromatica
Pseudotsuga com. on N.E. slope
Abies concolor a few " " [[Dittos for: N.E. slope]]
Populus tremuloides " " " [[Dittos for: a few N.E. slope]]
Pachystoma  " " " [[Dittos for: a few N.E. slope]]
Symphorocarpas  " " " [[Dittos for: a few N.E. slope]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names. Kept Vernon's spelling. Anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] - @siobhanleachman Fixed one typo (prumus to prunus) - @meg_shuler