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Otocoris abundant
Golden Eagle 1 on R.R. fence
[[underlined]] Denver [[/underlined]] 1 P.M.
Snowing all day or air full of snow
Evening grosbeaks heard in town.
English sparrows abn.
Otocoris com in town
[[underlined]] Left Denver [[/underlined]] 6:10 P.M.
Snowing till dark

[[underlined]] March 19 [[/underlined]]
Hanna, Wyo. daylight
Snow 6 to 10 inches, drifted
Clear & cold
[[underlined]] Rawlins [[/underlined]] 7:30
Otocoris common
Cottontail tracks abn.
Sheep - many dead
Coyotes - close to track
[[underlined]] Creston [[/underlined]]
Lepus campestris 2
[[underlined]] Red Desert [[/underlined]]
Many herds of sheep
[[underlined]] Point of Rocks [[/underlined]]
Junipers? on S. of R.R. small [[strikethrough]] Ephedra? [[/strikethrough]] com. first seen.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Rock Springs [[/underlined]]
Junipers? on slopes both sides
Eutamias pictus. tracks numerous on snow along ledges from Rock Springs to Green River.
[[underlined]] Green River [[/underlined]] 11:30 -
Left Green River 3 P.M.
Falco mexicanus 2
Cynomys leucurus 3 seen out on snow 4 P.M.
not thawing in sun.
Shepherdia argentea, com.
[[underlined]] Granger [[/underlined]] - lots of sheep
Lots of cottontails
1 Long or short eared owl
[[underlined]] Opal [[/underlined]] 6 P.M.

[[underlined]] March 20 [[/underlined]] (6676)
Opal - 8 A.M. 6650 [[strikethrough]] 6700 [[/strikethrough]]
Lepus campestris com.
" [[Ditto for: Lepus]] bailey's as abn.
Cynomys leucurus  com.
Coyote 4, tracks abn.
Lobo tracks com.
Sage grouse numerous
Golden eagle 6
Rough leg hawk 3
Magpies 3
Mallards 3 at Grahams

Transcription Notes:
Latin names checked but Vernon's original spelling kept if differs.