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[[underlined]] Big Piney, March 24 [[/underlined]].
Bubo, heard
Aquila chrysetas 1
Plectrophanes nivalis 6
Longspur[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] C. ornatus? [[/underlined]] 2
Otocoris abn.

Coyote 2, together
Lobo 1
Lepus campestris 7, (5 killed)
Cynomys leucusus com.
Lanicus 1 

[[underlined]] March 26 [[/underlined]]
Golden eagle 2
Archibates 9, eating pack [[sabloot?]]
Falco sparverius heard
Sialia arctica com
Otocoris abn.
Magpies com
Agelaius phoenicus 2
Junco 3 seen yesterday
Sage grouse. tracks com
one dead, crop full of sage leaves
Badger tracks com
Lynx tracks " [[Ditto for: com]] 1 killed

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[[start page]]

[[underlined]] March 27 [[/underlined]] Put out bait saw fresh wolf tracks & 3 coyotes - 
Meadowlarks (first) 6

[[underlined]] Mar 28 [[/underlined]] Put out poisons heard lobos, saw lots of tracks
[[underlined]] Mar. 29 [[/underlined]]
1 lobo & 4 coyotes
Red Tail hawk - 1 killed. 7
[[underlined]] March 30 [[/underlined]]
Longspurs, a few.
[[underlined]] March 31 [[/underlined]]
Saw lobo & put out more baits
Wild geese - heard
Killdeer - several heard
Meadowlarks, com & singing
Red Tail hawk - 1 seen.

[[underlined]] April 1 [[/underlined]] Warm, snow
Mallards - several flocks 7
Bluewing teal? 7 in flock
Young lobos eyes open.
On Little [[Gro?]] Mr. Garrison found a larg buck blacktil deer killed & eaten by mountain lion in Sept, 1904. One lion track fresh at deer.

Transcription Notes:
Checked latin species names but kept Vernon's original spelling. However Vernon's c's can look like his e's and his i's and e's can look very similar apart from the dot above the i, if he remembers to put it there! Aquila chrysetas = chrysaetos = golden eagle Archibates logopua is a bough legged buzzard