Viewing page 6 of 59

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[[underlined]] Monett [[/underlined]]
Platinus com.
Vitis abn.
Oats in shock, a few
Cyanocitta cristata & yg
Passer domesticus, com
Ardea virescus 3
Corvus brachyrhynchus com

Sueda florida
[[underlined]] Neosho [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Wynclotte [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Neosho R. [[/strikethrough]] Grand R. [[/underlined]]
Nelumbo luteum, pond full
- Agelaius in marsh
- Sturnella 7
- Zenaidura com
- Colaptes 1
- Cathartes 4
big prairie
[[underlined]] Afton [[/underlined]]
Baptisia abn.
Petalestumon com
Amorpha canescens " [[ditto for: com]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Vinita [[/underlined]]
Mainly prairie
Timbered ridges in distance
. Taminus 3
. Agilaius 1 [[male symbol]] at pond
. Falco sparverus 1
bailing wild hay
big corn
Betula along stream
Acer " [[ditto for: along stream]]
Salix nigra " [[ditto for: along stream]]

[[underlined]] Chelsea [[/underlined]]
Mainly prairie
Coreopsis - acres of it
[[underlined]] Claremore [[underlined]]
Mimos polyglottos 1
Tyrannus tyranus 2

[[underlined]] Woods along valley [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] River [[/underlined]]
- Colinus virginianus 1
Cotton field in blossom, past
[[strikethrough]] Bobolink [[/strikethrough]] ? [[male symbol]] 1
[[underlined]] Prairie [[/underlined]]
- Petrochelidon 50
- Melanerpes erythrocephalus 1
- Mimus 2
- Cuckoos 2

Transcription Notes:
Hey Meg I can actually see "virescus" in Vernon's scrawl of Ardea virescus so I've taken it out of [[?]]. I think possibly Esclepiadora Vernon means Asclepiadeae? -@siobhanleachman Platinus = Platanus? I think the one he's having so much trouble with is suppsoed to be Ardea virescens, an old term for the Green Heron- @meg_shuler