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[[underlined]] Chickasha [[/underlined]]
open plains
[[underlined]] Laverity [[/underlined]]
Quail  many flocks
Corn & poor cotton
[[underlined]] Cement [[/underlined]] in Keechi Hills
brushy & scrub oaks
Watermelons - car loads
[[underlined]] Fletcher [[/underlined]]
Cynomys - 20 acres
[[underlined]] Elgin [[/underlined]]
Melons  car loads
Cynomys  5 acres
. Night hawk 2
. Buteo swainsoni 1
[[underlined]] Fort Sill [[underlined]]
Cynomys  at station a few
[[underlined]] Lawton [[/underlined]]
. Cuckoo 1
. Scissortail 1
Opuntia  a few patches
Mesquite, first

[[underlined]] Cache [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 5 Morrissey's [[/underlined]]

. Quercus prinoides - bushes
. Quercus taxana? post oak [[insertion]] ^ abn. [[/insertion]]
. " [[ditto for: Quercus]] coccinea? black oak
. " [[ditto for: Quercus]] mesilandica? black jack
. Ulmus crassifolia  along stream
. Juglans nigra? small
. Populus fremonti, scarce
. Celtis helleri?
. Negundo  com
. Acer  on peaks
. Juniperus  " [ditto for: on peaks]]
. Bumelia  bushes
. Prosopis glandulosa
. Rhus glabra?  com
. " [[Ditto for: Rhus]] aromatica  on peaks
. Fraxinus veridis
. Prunus americanus - red plums
. Cornus
. Cephalanthus
. Amorphus canescens
. Shrankia
. Hoffmanseggia
. Mimosa
. Petalestemon violaceae
. " [[Ditto for: Petalestemon]] white
. Dismodium

Transcription Notes:
Added in some placenames - Cement, Keeshi Hills & Laverty (although maybe Bailey spells it 'Laverity'?) @phil_terry Yeah looks like "Laverity" to see so I've edited. Good guess though Phil! -@siobhanleachman