Viewing page 20 of 59

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Aug. 28 Up ^ [[insertion]] Goat [[/insertion]] Peak [[/underlined]]

Picea engelmani  top
Abies lasiocarpa  " [[ditto for: top]]
Rubus nutkanus  " [[ditto for: top]]
Spirea  " [[ditto for: top]]
Linnea  8500 - 1000
Vaccinum  top
Pachystema  " [[ditto for: top]]
Chimaphilla umbellata  " [[ditto for: top]]
Pyrola  " [[ditto for: top]]
Aralie  red cohosh
Viola canadensis
Ferns  2
Ribes  smooths 9000 - 1000
Lonicera involucrata 9000 - top - 100
Physocarpus  - 7000 NE
Juniperus communis  to top [[strikethrough]] - 1 [[/strikethrough]]
Saxifraga bronchialis N.E. 9000 - 10200
Pseudotsuga  - 10000 N.E.
Pinus flexilis  - 1000 NE
" [[ditto for: Pinus]] ponderosa
Acer glabrum  - 1000 NE
Sambucus  - " [[ditto for: 1000]] " [[ditto for: NE]]
Salix  blue stem  - " [[ditto for: 1000]]
Shepherdia canadensis  - 1000

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] On top [[/underlined]] - 10400 feet [[underlined]] Goat Peak [[/underlined]]
Populus tremuloides
Picea pungens SW
" [[ditto for: Picea]] englemani NE
Abies lasiocarpa N.E.
Aster  blue SW
Senecio  3 SW
Companula  " [[ditto for: SW]]
Achilea  " [[ditto for: SW]]
Frazera  " [[ditto for: SW]]
Zygadenia  " [[ditto for: SW]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species on eol. Could not find [[Aetrilia]] (on next pg too) -@meg_shuler I think it's "Achilea" ie Vernon's misspelling of Achillea. I've also added gaps in between the altitude numbers just to make text more easily searchable -@siobhanleachman