Viewing page 21 of 59

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Santa Clara
Sept. 4 Up Jamez Peak [[/underlined]]

- [[underlined]] 11000 [[/underlined]]
Picea pungens dwarf  on top
Ribes oxycanthoides  " [[ditto for: on top]]
" [[ditto for: Ribes]]  blue  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Rhodiola  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Pentstemon  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Orthocarpos ?  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Cymopterus " [[ditto for: on top]]
Companula  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Antinaria  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Mertensia ?  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Achilea " [[ditto for: on top]]
Draba  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Aster ?  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Solidago  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Senicio  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Potentilla  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Antinoria  " [[ditto for: on top]]
[[strikethrough]] Fragara glauca [[/strikethrough]] Sibaldia procumbens?  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Grass  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Sambucus  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Frazera  big  " [[ditto for: on top]]
Aquilegia [[cumbra?]]  1000 - " [[ditto for: on top]]
Schwertia  " [[ditto for: on top]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Pseudotsuga  -1000SW
Abies concolor 
" [[ditto for: Abies]] arizonica
Picea engelmani
Populus  - 10500 SW
Pinus flexilis  - " [[ditto for: 10500]] " [[ditto for: SW]]
Acer glabrum - 1000 " [[ditto for: SW]]
" [[ditto for: 1000]] " [[ditto for: SW]]
Physocarpos - " [[ditto for: 1000]] " [[ditto for: SW]]
Senecio  big - " [[ditto for: 1000]] " [[ditto for: SW]]
Geraneum  pale - " [[ditto for: 1000]] " [[ditto for: SW]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species on eol. Unsure in brackets. -@meg_shuler Think Vernon meant "James Peak" but he definitely spelt it with a z so I've taken brackets out. @siobhanleachman pretty sure "Antinaria" is what he wrote, but meant "Antennaria;" removed brackets -@meg_shuler