Viewing page 25 of 59

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Sept. 11 [[/underlined]] San Ysidro to [[underlined]] Soda Springs [[/underlined]]
Atriplex canescens
" [[ditto for: Atriplex]] nuttallii
" [[ditto for: Atriplex]] confertifolia
Opuntia arborescens
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]]
[[underlined]] Rio Salada [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Chuco Tank [[/underlined]]

Neotoma micropus
Dipodomys spectabilis
Lepus arizonae
" [[ditto for: Lepus]] texensis
Canis latrans
Coynomys gunnisoni

[[underlined]] Sept. 12
To Cabezone [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Puerco Valley [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Juan Tofoya 
Salazar Sept. 13.
Juan Tofoya - [[/underlined]]
Thomomys aureus
Dipodomys spectabilis
Onychomys pallescens
Notiosorex crawfordi
Citellus grammarus
Cynomys gunnisoni
Canis latrans
Lepus arizonae

Juniperus monosperma
Pinus edulis
Quercus grisea
" [[ditto for: Quercus]] gambeli
Pinus ponderosa
Populus fremontii
Guterrizia euthanae
Helianthus annuus
Opuntia arborescens
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]] clavata
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]] englemani
Yucca glauca.

Transcription Notes:
checked place names and species names, unsure in [[?]]. Looks like he misspelled "Juan Tafoya" as "Joan Tofoya" but feel free to correct if it looks to you like he was closer ;) -meg_shuler Hi Meg, looking at the o in "Joan" I do think it's a u as his o's normally have a loop at the top and this one didn't join up. BUT the second mention really does look like Joan! However I KNOW Bailey knows how to spell Juan! For the sake of searchability and the fact that I think he intended Juan that's how I'm going to transcribe it BUT feel free to edit! Other than that I've done some minor edits but can't work out the last Guterrizia [[euthanae?]] -@siobhanleachman I think we should just go with "euthanae." It's pretty clear that's what he wrote, here and the next page. Yeah? -@meg_shuler