Viewing page 32 of 59

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Rio San Francisco [[/underlined]] N. M.
[[underlined]] 1055. Platinus wrightii [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] 1056. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Alma, N. M. Oct. [[/underlined]] 15
1056. Populus [[strikethrough]] fremonti [[/strikethrough]] wislizeni
" [[ditto for: 10]] 57 P. [[strikethrough]] angustifolia? [[/strikethrough]] acuminata
" [[ditto for: 10]] 58. Quercus arizonica?
1059. Alnus oblongifolia

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Transcription Notes:
Checked species -@siobhanleachman One tiny edit -@meg_shuler