Viewing page 38 of 59

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[[underlined]] Oct.2. [[/underlined]] Camp. 9. 7100
[[underlined]] Rio Largo [[/underlined]]
Populus angustifolia
Juniperus monosperma
Pinus edulis
Rhus aromatica
Bigelovia, gray & big green
Atriplex canesens
Lyasium pallidum
Senecio    (1003)
Yucca glanca
Opuntia - small englmani

[[underlined]] Camp 5 mi.[[/underlined]] up Largo 7350
Salix nigra
Ribes cereum
Juniperus scopulorum

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Sept.3 [[/underlined]] up Peak
[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 8, a.m., 7350 -
Yellow pine N.E. 7600 -
Douglas spruce " [[Ditto for: NE]] 7800
Quercus gambeli " [[Ditto for: 7800]] -
Abies 8800 -
Gilia [[overwritten]] [[left?]] [[/overwritten]] aggrigata 7600
Pentstemon " [[Ditto for: 7600]]

[[underlined]] Left horses [[/underlined]] 8800 -
Populus tremuloides 8800 -
Berberis ripens W. " [[Ditto for: 8800]]
Physacarpos " " [[Dittos for: W. 8800]]
Holodiscus " " [[Dittos for: W. 8800]]
Symphorocarpas " " [[Dittos for: W. 8800]]
Rosa " " [[Dittos for: W. 8800]]
Pinus flexilis N.E. 9200 -
[[underlined]] Saddle [[/underlined]] 9250
Acer glabrum 9000 -
Juniperus communis 9500 -

[[underlined]] Top 9750 [[/underlined]]
probably 10000.
Pinus edulis
Juniperus monosperma
" [[Ditto for: Juniperus]] scopulorum
" [[Ditto for: Juniperus]] pachyphloca

Transcription Notes:
On the right-hand page there is a word overwritten on top of Gilia aggrigata, possibly "Left"; farther down he notes "Left horses", maybe he just started writing "Left" in the wrong place by mistake? I don't know how to note this. Edited for consistency, added a few minor edits and also the [[overwritten]] markup that has been previously used in the situation discussed above -@siobhanleachman