Viewing page 43 of 59

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Oct. 23 up Peak Camp 8500
Pinus ponderosa   { 8000 - 9500
                  { 6500 - 8000
[[strikethrough]] { 8500 - 9500 [[/strikethrough]]
Quercus gambeli { 8000 - 9500
                { 6500 - 8000
Pseudotsuga      7000 - 9500
Pseudocacia neomexiana 7000 - 9500
Sambucus 8500
Holodiscus       - 10900
Ceanothus        - 9500
Rosa             - 9500
Berberis ripens  - 9500
Cornus asperifolia - 8600
Pentstemon scarlet - 9500
Gilia agrigata     - 9500

O. couesi  bucks at 9500 & 1000
Lepus pinetis tracks at 9000 - 10200
Felis tracks at 10000

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Populus tremuloides { 9000 - 10900 }
                    { 8000 - 10000 }
Picea pungens    { 8500 - 11000
                 { 9500 - 10500
" [[ditto for: Picea]] englemani  9000 - top 11000
Abies concolor   9500 - 11000
                 8000 - 10000
[[strikethrough]] 9000 [[/strikethrough]]
" [[ditto for: Abies]] arizonica          8500 - 11000
Pinus flexilis  7500 - 9500
Salix cordata    - 1100
" [[ditto for: Salix]]
Alnus  along stream to 9000
Sanguisorbus  10200 -
Juniperus communis  10200  11000
Acer glabrum             - 9500
Vaccineum [[folium?]]   - 10000
Rubus nutkanus  9000=10500
Veratrum   8000=9000
Pyrola picta
Holodiscus   - 10900
Lonicera involucrata    8500 - 11000
Pteris                  8500 - 11000
Ribes pinetorum       8000 - 9500
" [[ditto for: Ribes]] sanguineum  8500 -
Symphorocarpos arophilus 8500 - 1000

Aster      11000
eregeron     " [[ditto for: 11000]]
Solidago , dwarf  " [[ditto for: 11000]]
Potentilla       " [[ditto for: 11000]]

Transcription Notes:
The break in the middle is the page switch. The transcription center asks for [[end page]] [[start page]] when transcribing image with two pages. I've also checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling and anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]. Great job attempting Bailey's writing as he is NOT easy! -@siobhanleachman I have tried researching Vaccineum [[folium?]] again and can't get anything to match. Assuming its a misspelling of Vaccinium but none of the "folium" species match what Vernon has written. Have given up! -@siobhanleachman