Viewing page 52 of 59

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Pittsburg Perfect Fencing
Pittsburg Street Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Poultry fence 52 inches high 15 [[wire?]]
1 1/2 to 6 inch mesh, 6 inch cross[[wire?]]
[[line across page]]
Send photo of Cruz Abieta to his cousin Pablo at Lolita
[[line across page]]
Charles Schafer
Alma, N. Me
for skills - a trapper
[[line across page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[several scraps of paper one on top of the other]]

[[bottom scrap of paper]]
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] road runner [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[half circled]] tarantula [[/half circled]]
[[underlined]] [[Nulorferja?]] 
 Xanthoa [[/underlined]]
Acome [[underlined]] shells [[/underlined]]
[[rest of text obscured by other scraps of paper]]
[[strikethrough]] [[Wood Duck?]] seen in alfalfa
[[/bottom scrap of paper]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
[[HOW TO?]] PURIFY WATER.-Add half a grain [[of pure alum?]] to each gallon of water. This [[small quantity does?]] not injure the water for [[any purpose, and yet?]] it will precipitate the [[earthy and vegetable matters?]] and with it the [[bacteria that the water may?]] contain, or at [[least, so nearly clear the water that?]] you need [[not fear to drink it.?]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[top scrap of paper]]
[[underlined]] Wolf urine for traps
Put poison in egg for coyote [[/underlined]]
[[/top scrap of paper]]

Transcription Notes:
This scan appears to be a scan of page 58 with page 53 on top of it, page 56 on top of 53, and page 55 on top of page 56. Each of these pages have been transcribed individually. What volunpeers normally do in a case such as this is transcribe what is visible but keep it consistent with other transcribed pages. Have therefore edited and added the other transcriptions - @siobhanleachman